For the time being, we will be sticking with our policy of masks being decided between client and stylist: if either participant of an appointment wishes for masks to be worn, please mask up!
Though masks are no longer mandated throughout the space for several reasons (excessive heat waves, autonomy of chair renters, and other concerns), we are remaining vigilant around the risk of COVID transmission through a variety of additional precautions.
We have one large air purifier behind our reception desk that has been running every day since before 2020. Jessie and Skylar also each have their own personal H-13 HEPA purifiers that are usually kept at/near their stations during their appointments. Because the HEPA filters are personal property, their presence cannot be guaranteed, but you are welcome to bring your own air purifier with you to your appointment!
Our front and back doors are often kept wide open throughout the summer in an effort to cool the space down. A reliable breeze does pass through the shop – enough to knock the polaroids off of our wall! The doors may be closed on cooler or smokier days, but the closed space should allow the air purifiers to do their jobs more effectively.
Though three of our styling stations are right next to each other, they are rarely operating simultaneously. Those who attended our shop in 2020 may remember our carefully marked 6’ markings on the floor surrounding each station, and though we have removed the tape from the floor, the stations are still in the same locations as they were in 2020. Chairs within 6’ of each other only have simultaneous clients on Sundays, and on some Tuesday afternoons.
At our most excessively-packed, our 837-square-foot space wouldn’t have more than ten people in it, and even that scenario would involve three simultaneous appointments (three workers, three patrons) and a family of four shopping for products. Most reliably, our shop hosts around 2-6 people (including staff) at a time.
Our staff are all encouraged to prioritize our health, and to take time off if needed. Employees work a self-determined number of weekly hours in order to prevent exhaustion, and are provided five paid sick days per year.
Clients may always cancel their appointments without penalty if they are feeling unwell: our confirmation emails come with easy links to reschedule or cancel appointments at any time.
We hope this information clears things up for folks who have been uncertain about their safety in our shop! Our policies are in a constant state of flux due to our attempts to keep up with the annual pandemics, heat waves, and wildfires, but we will continue to do our best to communicate our safety measures as we fumble our way through.